
Friday, July 29, 2016

Enter to Win this Awesome Resource at the bottom of this post!
Over the past few years, I have come up with some pretty nice keepsakes for my students to take with them from their first grade experience with me.  Each of these keepsakes is very special to my students as well as their parents.

The first keepsake is The Birthday Book.
This product was updated 7/2016
The Birthday Book is probably the most anticipated of the keepsakes.
Each child gets a book that has a page from the other students in the class and myself.
On the day of the child's birthday, I place the pages on the students' desks in the morning.  They work on the Birthday Book page instead of their morning book page.
I collect all of the pages and make them into a book.  Last year, one of my students ask why they didn't make a book for me.  So.... They made a book for me and I cherish it, too!

This year I stapled the books together with a stapler designed to staple over 40 pages.  In the coming year, I am going to bind them with a comb binder.
The next keepsake is probably the most appreciated by the parents.
It is The Class Photo Cover. (Editable Resource)
The Class Photo Cover starts with weighing and measuring your students at the beginning of the year.  You will also take their picture.
Again at the end of the year, you will weigh, measure and take their picture.  It is a lovely before and after memory.
You will also include a picture of yourself with each student and a class picture. I usually try to take one on a field trip or other class function.
I gave these out this year at our Celebration of Learning and had some grateful, teary eyed parents.  Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of a completed one so you'll have to try to imagine what it would look like.  :)
The final keepsake is The Snaggle Tooth

The Snaggle Tooth Chart is classroom décor that is functional.  This is an editable resource that helps you and your students keep track of the teeth they lose throughout the year.

Make or Print the chart. (Directions included in the file.)  Make a tooth for each student. (Write or type the names on the teeth)  As students lose teeth, add their tooth to the chart with the date they lost the tooth and perhaps a start sticker for some color.  At the end of the year, remove the teeth from the chart, laminate them and send them home with the students.  There may be students that don't lose any teeth. I make them a tooth anyway and write "I didn't lose any teeth this year."  with the date.


That's it!  Three Easy Keepsakes that make your students extremely happy and impress their parents! 

Have Fun with these!


a Rafflecopter giveaway



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