
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

During Reader's and Writer's Workshop, I like to give my students incentives to use the strategies that I taught in my mini-lesson.
As my students are working, I walk around and observe/conference with them.  I find 4 students that are working hard on the skills that were taught in the mini-lesson.  I place one of the stuffed animals on their desk.  Or, sometimes I hold the writing or reading buddy up to my ear and pretend that the stuffed animal is talking to me!
It might sound like this....
"Oh yes, Tommy is doing a great job on (insert skill).
Would you like to hang out with him for the rest of the day?"  Then I pretend that the buddy says yes and give the buddy to Tommy.  They LOVE getting a buddy.  They work so hard which makes them a great incentive.  I want them to get the most out of their workshop time.  This stops a lot of potential playing and goofing around. :)  Also, I have a rule..... If students asked to get a drink or go to the restroom during their independent reading or writing time, they can't earn a Buddy.  They must be working the entire time.  You might also make a set of rules for your students so they will know what they need to do to earn one of your Reading or Writing Buddies.    These little guys have helped so much with my students' stamina and focus. 
At the end of the day when they are packing up to go home, students place the buddies back in the basket.  I purchased these baskets at Target.  You could use any type of basket and any stuffed animal. I use 4 of each buddy, but you could definitely use less.

As an extra incentive at the end of the year, I start choosing students to give the buddies to. ( 2 or 3 weeks before school is out)  This is the time of year that I feel we always need an extra incentive to follow the school rules.  I give them to students that are really trying to earn one of the buddies.  
Once I announce that I will be giving them away, I start watching and using the giveaway as a reminder to follow the rules. For example, 
"Wow, Gina is really being quiet in line, she must really want to take one of the buddies home with her!"
I also let the parents know so they can also remind their students to follow the rules at school.  
I start fresh with new buddies every year because these little guys are well loved by the end of the year.  And... it's fun to have something new.  That's an incentive for me.  :)


Grab these Reading and Writing Buddies Labels here.
Staple, Glue or Tape them onto your basket and let the fun begin!

Check out this set of matching Alphabet Cards, Word Wall Letters and Lots of other Labels.

Alphabet Card Posters

Word Wall Letters

Labels, including supply labels.

As always, thank you for stopping by....

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