Being on the technology committee this year has made me more aware of the wonderful things that are out there for our kids. I have 4 mini iPads in my classroom at all times.
One app I stumbled across this year is called
Show Me Interactive White Board.
We have so much fun with this. We use Show Me with other apps.
I will ask my students to go to the Number Pieces App and make a number using hundreds, tens and ones. Then I ask them to take a screen shot of that number.
After they have the picture, they can upload it into Show Me and record themselves talking about the number - place value, hundreds/tens/ones, odd even, etc. They can also write as they speak. Essentially, they become a teacher and they love it. Very Fun!
Another idea is to take a picture of a child's writing and have them edit it while they read, recording it all on the Show Me App. They will find their errors when seeing it in another format.... for some reason. It is so cute to hear them talking when they find something they need to correct. :)
You can use the app yourself, record how to do something, then email it to your student's parents.
Before you start, I would recommend that you make a Show Me yourself to model it for your students.
It is very simple to use!
Good Luck,
:) Carrie
Congrats on your new blog! We also use iPads in our classroom. We've been using an app called Educreations, which sounds similar to the Show Me app. It's like a whiteboard, but I haven't seen any extra features for math. I think I like Show Me better. Good luck integrating technology with iPads. I'm learning something new everyday!